{"id":774,"date":"2009-06-20T00:05:17","date_gmt":"2009-06-19T14:35:17","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/nexfinity.net\/?p=298"},"modified":"2009-06-20T00:05:17","modified_gmt":"2009-06-19T14:35:17","slug":"pirc-spelling-bot-side-project","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/cjohnson.id.au\/uncategorized\/pirc-spelling-bot-side-project\/","title":{"rendered":"PIRC Spelling Bot – Side Project"},"content":{"rendered":"

Throughout the semester I’ve been playing around with extending the functionality of Java by using the additional open source libraries. This started off when I was looking to improve the GUI on our TimeTrack group project which you can check out via my portfolio<\/a>. After stumbling upon SwingX<\/a> and Substance<\/a> which I used to improve our graphical interface, I continued to look for more libraries. Some of the more notable ones I found were PIRC Bot<\/a>, an IRC based library for Bot creation, GraphViz<\/a>, a library that plugs into the C library which is used to generate graphs and Jazzy<\/a>, a spell checking library. I decided to put some of these to work. I used GraphViz for an AI assignment and I decided to use PIRC Bot, and Jazzy for a custom created Spelling Bot.<\/p>\n

Today I am happy to say that I’ve finished creating this Spelling Bot. You can download the source code here<\/a>. This spelling bot has a few nifty features including:<\/p>\n