The Slaughterhouse

So over the last 6 weeks or so Catherine and I have been working on an extension for Hacknet called The Slaughterhouse. In it you break into the computer network of a meat company and expose its violations to the public. It takes about 2 hours to play through. You’ll need to have both Hacknet and the Labyrinths DLC to play the extension.

We’re quite happy with how it turned out. It takes a much more investigative and complex approach to the original game. We also hope that it challenges an audience that usually wouldn’t be exposed to this kind of material.

You can access the extension here.

Adelaide Game Playtesting Session – May 2017

Just a quick post to that this week there be another games playtesting event at AIE. It’s been a while since we had one. My hope is that we’ll be running these a bit more frequently now but we’ll see. Anyway come along if you’re free.

Date: Thursday 25th May 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Location: AIE Adelaide Campus, 32 Grenfell St. Adelaide, SA 5000
Facebook Event and Additional Details

Here’s a screenshot of a new thing I’ve made. I’ll be showing it at the event and posting up about it soon.

Beetroot and Carrots

I’ve just finished working on my first PuzzleScript game called Beetroot and Carrots. It’s based on a Japan only e-card reader game for Pikmin 2. Since I couldn’t play the game I figured that I might as well try to make it.

Originally I recreated the levels from scattered footage of the game and then created a set of my own levels. After doing some play testing I realised that a lot of the later levels became tedious and impenetrable so I decided to simplify the levels and strip out the coloured pads from the original game. The final game only uses one, altered level from the Pikmin games.

You can play the game here.


Adelaide Game Playtesting Session – June 2016

It’s been a little while but we’re having another games playtesting session. Here are the details.

Date: Tuesday, June 28 at 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: AIE Adelaide Campus, 32 Grenfell St. Adelaide, SA 5000
Facebook Event and Additional Details

I’ve also started working on a small game that uses a midi controller. Hoping to have a new build ready for the playtesting event.

Prototype for Loop Game

Leading up to Christmas I’ve been pottering away on a prototype for a programming game. My friend Matt, whose game Hacknet has piqued the interest of educators, has been pushing me to look at educational games. I’m not really interested in these kinds of games but I told him that I’d think on it. After thinking for a while I came up with a small prototype which you can play by following the link below.

In the game you need to write some basic programming code that will reduce all the numbers in a grid to zero. The game limits the number of times you can use loops and if statements. The game will step through your code showing you which lines are being executed and when changes are made to the grid. It should take you about 10 minutes or so to get a feel for the game. Please read the README file before starting.

Download Loop Game Prototype(Windows only)


I’m not really sure if I want to pursue the game any further which is why I’m posting out to see what people think. Feel free to post a comment with your thoughts, email me or tweet at me.

Pokebot, Playtesting Session and Expand on Kotaku

I haven’t posted here for a little while so I thought I’d do an update especially considering that quite a bit has happened this week.

I’ll start by running through the heading in reverse order. During PAX Australia this year my friend and creator of Hacknet Matt Trobbiani and I were interviewed by Mark Serrels from Kotaku Australia. On Tuesday he posted his article based on that interview. It gives an insight into the human side of game development. I won’t say much more. I think you’ll enjoy it.


On Wednesday we ran another game playtest event at AIE. The weather in Adelaide has been terribly hot lately but even so it was great to see a good group of people turn up with their games.

Today I pushed out my first Twitter bot. If you’ve watched the Pokemon TV series before then you may remember a segment called Who’s That Pokemon? The idea is that a greyed out Pokemon is display before a commercial break and when returning from the break the show reveals the Pokemon. This bot generates images based on the segment each day and reveals the answer before posting the next Pokemon. Follow @WhosThatPokebot to play along.


So that’s what has been happening with me lately. I’m working on a few other things on the side. I’ll be sure to post about when I have something to show.