in Events

Expand at Indie Games Room – AVCon + Talk

Expand is going to be playable at this year’s Indie Games Room at AVCon. AVCon is an anime and video games convention that is held annually at the Adelaide Convention Centre in South Australia. Both Chris and I will be there showing the game so feel to come along, play the game and have a bit of a chat with us about it.

I’ll also be giving a talk with Jake Moore about getting started making games on the Sunday afternoon. Here is the talk description.

Ever wanted to make your own video game? Not sure where to start? This is the session for you! We’ll be running through advice on getting started, what tools you need, where you can help and how you can distribute your game.

It should be a really fun weekend. I’ve been helping Brad, the IGR coordinator with the event this year. Mostly just preparing material for the website and handling the social media side of things.

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