in Events, Game Development

Cave of Atman DX – AVCon 2018

Last weekend The Cave of Atman DX made its first public appearance within the Indie Games Room at Adelaide’s AVCon. I’ve been working on updating the original game from the start of the year. It was great to finally be back showing a game at AVCon, the last game I exhibited there was Expand back in 2014.

As mentioned The Cave of Atman DX is an updated version of the 2014 flash game. The game has been ported across from FlashPunk to HaxeFlixel. It now includes four new mechanics, an over world map, 32 new levels and the much requested ability to undo your moves. I’ve also added the ability to record user replays and crashes and send them to our web server.

I pulled out the following stats from our replay data.

Number of Sessions: 76
Average Session Length: 19.5 minutes
Median Session Length: 15.5 minutes
Longest Sessions:

  • 2 hours 20 minutes
  • 1 hour 43 minutes
  • 1 hour 17 minutes

Overall we were really happy with exhibiting and the response to the game. Thanks to everyone who checked it out.

The next few months will be quite busy for me so progress might be slow. However this is what I’m looking to work on next.

  • Steam Integration – Namely linking replay data to users
  • Improved Replay Tooling – Setup playback markers for level start and improved playback controls
  • Fix Bugs – Several minor bugs related to mechanics appeared at AVCon
  • Level Fixes – Improve tutorial levels and smooth out difficulty
  • Shield Mechanic – Create Prototype
  • Art References – Build up setup of references for artist

Current world map.

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