in Game Development

Rotablock Milestone 2

Rotablock has come to the point where I’m happy to try and finish the game by the end of this next milestone. This leaves lots to do and as always I’m sure are there are going to be lots of small touches to put into place. University starts back up the week after next so I’m unsure as to if I’ll get the time to finish everything but we’ll see how I go.

Rotablock Milestone 2

Start on February 20th
Finished on March 13th

  • Title Screen and Options Menu

    Currently both the title screen and options menu are functional but they need some graphical sprucing up.

  • Gameplay Demo

    Improve the gameplay recording system to include mouse clicks and to run gameplay recordings after waiting at the title screen. Playback of gameplay recordings will be followed with a list of the highscores.

  • Find some background music

    Find some appropriate background music.

  • In game tutorial

    Screen tips and suggestions will be placed in game to teach the player how to play.

  • Dynamic Gem Dropping behaviour

    The game should progress from being easy to becoming much harder. This difficulty needs to ramp up slowly yet still allow the player to get a good feel for how the game plays. The patterns in which the gems drop need to reflect this.

  • Background Graphics

    The in game backgrounds should be more interesting and should contrast better with the grid.

Hopefully you’ll have a brand new game to play by me in March.

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