Moirai is out now

I’m really glad to say that Moirai, previously The Cave, has now been released. You can download it here.

Over the last month we’ve been testing the game, fixing bugs and tweaking different bits and pieces. We had about thirty testers play through the game and provide us feedback and suggestions. This has really helped us refine the game and clear up any bugs. We are very appreciative for the time that testers put into helping us with the game.

I’m really happy with how this game has come together. It’s been fantastic working with both John and Brad. It’ll be interesting to see how the wider public respond to the game.


The Cave – Beta Testing

I’m currently in the process of arranging testing for the latest game I’ve been working on with Brad Barrett and John Oestmann called The Cave. It’s a short game that started as a 7DFPS entry but wasn’t finished within the week.

We are entering our third pass of play testing and are looking for several people to help us test the game. It only takes about 15 minutes to play through. If you’re interested then drop me an email and I’ll fire off a build to you.

Monthly Adelaide Playtesting Sessions

Next month there will be the first in hopefully a regular, monthly play testing event held at CDW Studios in Adelaide. The general idea is that everyone who comes along must have a game to show and must also give some feedback on the other games.

All of the details for the event have been posted online here, so if you’ve been working on a game then be sure to come along and get some feedback.

Indie Games Night @ The Pad – Details


I’m really happy to announce that The Pad will be running an indie games night on Saturday the 19th of October from 7pm. Downstairs by the bar we will be running tournaments for BaraBariBall, Super Space Blank and Hokra. Upstairs in the computer pool we will have a selection of local and international indie games on display.

Mad props to Craig Oats for creating the fantastic poster and Laura Sarney from The Pad for being so enthusiastic about getting this up and running.

It should be a great night. I really hope that you can join us in playing some really awesome and different games.

All of the details about the night can be found here.

Three of my Games are on Vapor

I just thought that I would do a quick post to say that I’ve added Matt and Chris, Left Right Pong and You Want The Money to a distribution client for games built on the LÖVE framework called Vapor.


In preparing the games to run on Vapor I made changes to both Matt and Chris and You Want the Money to allow players to swap between keyboard and game pad controls. You Want the Money now also has a screen that displays the controls before starting the game.

If you’ve made a game using the LÖVE framework then I recommend getting it onto Vapor. The process is pretty straightforward and it helps you get more people playing your games.

And Then There Was One is available for download

Over the past few months Izzy, John and I have made slight changes to our Global Game Jam entry Murder101. An updated version of the game is now available to download under the name And Then There Was One.

The notable changes from the Global Game Jam version are:

  • Bot Support which allows for 1-4 Human Players(not just 4)
  • Keyboard Controls
  • Replay Support
  • Feigning Death Move
  • Level Selection
  • Interactive How to Play Screen
  • Improved Introduction Screen

I prepared a video that runs through the game and provides tips to new players.

Be sure to download the game and let us know what you think via our IndieDB page.

Indie Games Night @ The Pad

I thought I’d just do a quick post to say that I’ve been talking to the lovely folks at The Pad about running a night with indie games. Here are the details.

The Pad is going to be running a games night centered around indie games. There will be tournaments, drinks and an area up stairs to play a curated selection of local and international independent games. We are looking for a selection of short locally made games to be playable on the night. If you have such a game be sure to submit it for curation.

If you don’t have a game but are keen to come along then follow the link and we can notify you before the night.

Follow this link for all the details.

Game Dev Adelaide

I thought I would do a short blog post to tell you about a new website that I quickly put together over the last few days. The site is called Game Dev Adelaide. It lists all of the game developers within Adelaide and creates posts depending upon what the developers post to their RSS news feeds.


If you are an Adelaide/South Australian based developer and are not listed on the website then be sure to let me know. The details about how to do that are over on the sites about page.

My Games of the Last Year

I usually like to post about each of the games I develop on my blog. I haven’t done that for about a year. So let me run through what I’ve missed.

Java Script Teaching Games


When I started teaching at the university we were introducing the students to programming using Java Script. At the end of the semester students had to work in small groups to complete the internal logic of one of three games. We showed students the completed games to give them an idea of what they needed to do and then we provided them with some skeleton code of each game. I developed the three games being Recursive Blocks, Reversi and Connect Four.

Jumping Cubes


I developed another game for teaching purposes called Jumping Cubes. This game is based on the game by the same name developed for KDE and Andriod. None of the students had seen this game before and the algorithm involved is quite interesting so it makes for a good practical exercise. The version shown here was developed in ActionScript 3 and FlashPunk but the students had to develop a running version using Qt and C++. One of the things I like about this game is how it requires a bit more thinking to determine who has the upper hand at any given time. The playing field can change drastically in one move and so players need to consider not just the territory captured by each player but how well that territory is captured.

Murder 101


Murder 101 was a game that I developed along with John Millard and Izzy Gramp for the Global Game Jam 2013. It’s a local multiplayer game in which you have to blend into a crowd of people and slowly murder several targets. What makes this interesting is that three other players are trying to do the same thing and if you spot them then you can murder them as well.

We have decided to continue to work on Murder 101, adding in replays, new levels and the ability to feign your own death. The updated version is called And Then There Was One. It will be playable at this years Indie Games Room at AVCon. The final game will be downloadable via IndieDB, we are hoping to have it out by August.

Left Right Pong


One day I was thinking about simple modifications that can be made to existing games to give them more life. In Pong, you only move up and down. I decided to change this around and only allow you to move left and right. The interesting consequence is that most players will tend to miss the ball more often because it becomes harder to judge where you need to move the paddle. As a result I made the game vertically shorter to give the players more opportunities to hit the ball. This led to two consequences, firstly you could ‘dribble’ the ball across the top screen, which is neat and secondly you could score an own goal by knocking the ball back into your goal. I allowed players to become transparent and let the ball to move through their paddle as a way to recover from scoring an own goal. The game is only supports keyboard controls but I may go back and add controller support later.

Chalk Steps


Chalk Steps is the first physical game I developed. You can think of it like hop scotch sprints. Players lay out a series of hand and feet placements onto the floor. They copy these placements alongside the existing placements. Then two players race try to complete all of the hand placements, the first person to do so is the winner.

You Want The Money?


You Want The Money? is a short game I developed with Izzy Gramp for the second Adelaide Game Jam held by Jamalaide. Originally we were developing another game but it looked like it wouldn’t be finished by the end of the jam. So we changed gears on the last day of the jam and cranked out this game in only a few hours. I look at this game as being a humorous take on capitalism.

There you have it. These are the games that I’ve worked on over the last year alongside Expand.

First post of 2013 :P

Occasionally I return back to my blog and every time I do, I have the same guilty feeling. The feeling that I should post more. Every now and then that feeling of guilt boils to the point where I feel urge to get back into writing. I’ve reached that point again and so now I bring you a new blog post.

My last blog post was over a year ago and some things have happened since then. I’ll run some of them now.

So firstly I built out a new version of Expand with Chris Larkin who is now composing the score for game. I can’t speak enough about how great it has been to work with him. This new version used my own custom collision system(not Box2D), integrated with FMOD Designer, stored level data as XML instead of Lua scripts and came bundled with a level editor. This version was shown at The Indie Games Room last year and then later Freeplay, where it was nominated for an Audio Award.

I wasn’t too happy with the code for the Freeplay version of Expand so I rewrote major parts of it at the start of this year. Since then I have added support for scripting behaviour with Lua, sector groups, masking and camera support. The last two parts work very differently to other games because of the nature of Expand. They add several ideas to the game that will move it into an even more interesting direction. At the moment the game is in a broken state as I’m finishing off these last few features but I’m very happy with where the game is at conceptually. I think I’m poised to deliver the game that has been stuck in my head for the last few years and that is very pleasing. The game also has a website.

The second half of last year was exceptionally busy for me. The university offered me a full time lecturing position in which I would coordinate one course and be a supporting lecturer for two others. I don’t know what to write about this, there is a lot that could be said. Firstly, I’m relatively young for such a position and that in itself was quite alienating and often left me questioning as whether or not I deserved to be there. Secondly, the experience was incredibly stressful. Despite their being reasonable guidelines as to the breakdown of your work, the work in itself is infinite in some ways. I always felt as though I could do more as if there was a glass ceiling. If you care, like I do, then this is the sort of job that can consume your entire life. It’s the sort of job that only becomes manageable with time and experience so starting out is really tough. It’s also a job that you receive little feedback on which adds to the feeling of being an imposter. If you want the feedback you need to seek it out. When I look back on the semester I can only see the things that I could have done better despite lots of people telling me I did a really great job.

There was the opportunity for me to continue lecturing but I decided to move back to a tutoring role which feels right. While I enjoy teaching, I love making games so much more. Besides without moving into research my future in the area was quite restricted. I’ve been tutoring for this last semester. Tutoring is great, I get to spend more time directly interacting with students which is the best part of the job. Teaching is a really humbling thing, I recommend giving it a shot if you have the opportunity.

After I finished with my lecturing position I moved out of home and into an apartment with my girlfriend which has been great. I’m living much closer to the city and I have the freedom to work any hours I want(within reason). Over this period I’ve taken an interest in coffee and have learnt how to make a half decent latte on my espresso machine. I really enjoy honing my coffee making skills.

Beyond all of that I’ve made a few small games and prototypes over the last year. I’ll share them with you in another blog post shortly.

PS: I’ve also migrated all of my old blog posts from over to this blog.